This handle with 27 concentric rings deviates from the original composition of
F-S knife. It has been told that Fairbairn disliked it. However it is a fact
that Third Pattern knives with this type of grip and the F-S logo exist and he
did not oppose to the marking.

The perfect balance was lost. The handle was also likely to slip if it became wet from water or blood.
There are not many variations of the third Pattern, except F-S and Wilkinson
logos on some. The pommel nuts vary and the number on top of the hilt vary from
1 - 4.
grips of Pattern 3 are made by four
- Perry
Barr metal Co of Birmingham
- Walsall Die Cast Ltd
- H. J. Maybrey in New Cross, South London.
- Wolverhampton Die casting Company
likely each number 1-4 on the grips refer to one of these four manufacturers.
These grips were used by all other
manufacturers of the
Pattern 3 Commando knives.
Wilkinson Sword delivered 163 565 knives
with black finish of both
2nd and 3rd
Pattern together.
From the end of
1942 until 1945 about 200 000
knives of this type were produced for MoD.
There is also some
rare knives without this mould number.
Rather unusual
marked 3rd Pattern FS are
3rd Pattern stamped